Monday, April 18, 2011

Trying new things

So since we don't have a "go-to" activity {the beach or harbor} anymore, we decided to branch out and do things we don't normally do.

This past weekend, it was HOT, so we went to the coast. Carlsbad, to be exact. We visited the Carlsbad Flower Garden. It was SO beautiful. *tip* sign up for the VIP shopper club to get a discount on "surrounding discounts". Go here. At the garden, it's usually $10 per person. With the coupon, it's buy one get on free. Good deal.

There were also a bunch of cute little crafty vendors there.

 So soft looking.
 This is honestly the most perfect flower I have ever seen.

The sweet peas smelled incredible. It's really unfortunate that it's too late to plant these in my backyard. Next year! 

Fairy Pathway

How adorable are these little buds? They look like mom and dad buds, then we have the baby bud on the bottom. 

Oh and by the way, most of the photos were of the lovely flower that I am now obsessed with, the "ranunculus" flower. I CAN'T WAIT to plant some of these. 

Friday, April 15, 2011

Bridesmaid countdown...

57 days left to lose an undisclosed amount of weight ;) My brother-in-law and {soon to be} sister-in-law's wedding is on June 11! My dress is a gorgeous mermaid style{ish}, Tiffany's Blue dress with black lace around the bust area. So as you can imagine, it will be pretty tight. I need to lose a good chunk of my "stress weight" as I like to call it, by then. I say stress weight because once Aaron got home from the hospital, I began to totally stress eat. Getting through what happened to him in Afghanistan was a year long process. And it's still ongoing, and will forever be. BUT I am at a good place now to where I want to not only better my mental health, but also my physical health.

annnnd what better than a wedding with a tight dress that I have to wear to get me going?

what am I doing to get the weight off and tone up? 
running with the dogs at least a mile a day. Sometimes twice a day.
push ups {girl push ups for me}
leg lifts
7 lb weights for arms. I do regular lifting and then punch the air with the weights in my hands. SUCH a good arm workout, by the way.
When my knee is hurting, I'll go on our elliptical for 30-40 mins instead of a long run with the dogs; don't worry, I do still take them to the dog park in that instance.

what am I eating?
From now until the wedding, I am cutting out bread and soda. I don't want to limit myself too much because that never works for me long term. So I am just giving myself two simple things to cut out. NO BREAD AND NO SODA. Oh also for the last two months I have been CHUGGING water everyday. It's sooo good for you, helps to curb cravings, AND gives you great hydrated skin.
One more thing I am going to do at home is anything that I make can't be bigger than one of my small tupperware containers. No, I'm not going to eat out of tupperware; just use it as a measurement. It's all about portion control people!

Anyway, this plan is specific for me personally. Everyone is different and everyone's body is different. You just have to find out what works best for you and try to stick with that. Although, implementing a lot of water into your daily routine is good for anyone. {another benefit to drinking a lot of water, is that it clears bacteria out of your urinary tract, so if keeps you from getting a UTI. yay!}

Have a good weekend everyone!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Meet Kane!

Finally I have had the time to actually sit down and write about our families new addition. This is Kane. We adopted him from the Coastal German Shepherd Rescue. He is about 4 years old, and he is the sweetest boy. Kane was a little shy in the beginning, and didn't have too much confidence. But day by day, he is opening up more and more and seems to be gaining his confidence back. 
Kane, Miley, and I all go on morning walks on a nearby trail. Then usually later on in the day, we take them to the dog park. At home, Kane love to patrol the house every few hours or so. And he LOVES a good game of fetch in the yard. The poor guy has a pancreas condition called EPI. Basically, he can't process his food correctly, so he has to have two different powders in his food everyday for the rest of his life. It's expensive, but how could you deny this face?
He's very affectionate, and him and Miley love each other. They're are long lost brother and sister that just found each other :) 

Alright well here he is!

Kane's lookout spot {the window in the guest bedroom}

 Catching the ball and playing fetch is one of Kane's favorite things to do. 

 Kane and Miley, hangin' out

 I think a treat was promised here. 
 Kane loves hugs!
 And, of course, Miley is the typical little sister {copycat!}

 *will sit and look adorable for treat*

 "KANE! Play with me!"

Sweetest face. Welcome to the family, Kane.