Friday, October 8, 2010

Miley is 8 months old!

I can't believe that we've had her for six months. She's really grown up with us, which is what we wanted and ultimately why we adopted a puppy. 
 In the face of a bone, Miley licks her lips.
Caaaan I have it now? Or are you going to continue to snap away while I smack my gums?
 I'm a bad girl and got caught in the bushes. 
 Queen of the yard
 Tug of war is one of my favorite games. 
 Fetch is my favorite sport. 
 But my absolute FAVORITE game is fetching the rope, running back to mom and then playing keep away. 
 Water is fun too. I like to snap at it. 
 But tug of war is my love. That's why it is so convenient that there is an old swing hanging from a tree for me. 
 I desperately need a haircut. 

 There's my pool.
This is my sitting/chew stuff tree. 

So as you can see, all of these were taken at my parent's house in their backyard. This is kind of two posts in one, I guess. We're so close to getting our house! But we have to stay at my parent's house until it's ready for us. So far, it's been pretty easy. It's nice being around my family all the time again. And Miley has become a great little guard dog. The yard is her domain. It has been nice to see her evolve like that. Before, all she had was an apartment to run around in, and she had to play on a leash outside. Aaron and I are so happy that we decided not to settle for something small in OC. We went big in Murrieta. And we have a BIG yard for Miley. It's perfect for us. Aaron really really wants a German Shepard, and we'll definitely be able to adopt one once we get in the house. Very excited! Anyway, happy 8 months Miley! You'll have your backyard soon!

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