Our inspection is next saturday, and I will finally be able to take pictures. I know some of you have been waiting in suspense haha. I'll post them up next weekend after the inspection.
Sunday, October 17, 2010
Murrieta or bust
We are officially in escrow on our house! Only a few more weeks and we will be home owners! I can't tell you how excited I am to have a house.
Our inspection is next saturday, and I will finally be able to take pictures. I know some of you have been waiting in suspense haha. I'll post them up next weekend after the inspection.
Our inspection is next saturday, and I will finally be able to take pictures. I know some of you have been waiting in suspense haha. I'll post them up next weekend after the inspection.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
There's a first for everything...
Friday, October 8, 2010
Miley is 8 months old!
I can't believe that we've had her for six months. She's really grown up with us, which is what we wanted and ultimately why we adopted a puppy.
In the face of a bone, Miley licks her lips.
Caaaan I have it now? Or are you going to continue to snap away while I smack my gums?
I'm a bad girl and got caught in the bushes.
Queen of the yard
Tug of war is one of my favorite games.
Fetch is my favorite sport.
But my absolute FAVORITE game is fetching the rope, running back to mom and then playing keep away.
Water is fun too. I like to snap at it.
But tug of war is my love. That's why it is so convenient that there is an old swing hanging from a tree for me.
I desperately need a haircut.
There's my pool.
This is my sitting/chew stuff tree.
So as you can see, all of these were taken at my parent's house in their backyard. This is kind of two posts in one, I guess. We're so close to getting our house! But we have to stay at my parent's house until it's ready for us. So far, it's been pretty easy. It's nice being around my family all the time again. And Miley has become a great little guard dog. The yard is her domain. It has been nice to see her evolve like that. Before, all she had was an apartment to run around in, and she had to play on a leash outside. Aaron and I are so happy that we decided not to settle for something small in OC. We went big in Murrieta. And we have a BIG yard for Miley. It's perfect for us. Aaron really really wants a German Shepard, and we'll definitely be able to adopt one once we get in the house. Very excited! Anyway, happy 8 months Miley! You'll have your backyard soon!
Thursday, October 7, 2010
I love ya, tomorrow
Tomorrow, Miley is a whole 8 months old. I have some uber cute pictures of her, and am very excited to share them. Jeez, this is my third post in like an hour. I need to go to bed. Oh yeah! wait, I have another quick story. Today, miley and I went to visit our dear old neighbors, Dana and Miss Brinley. Brinley is Miley's FAVORITE human besides Aaron and I. And I kind of totally enjoy chatting it up with Dana.
Dana- I miss our random talks during the day!
ALLLLRIGHTY THEN! Off to bed...when The Apprentice is over. 6 more minutes. I wonder who will get fired. Does anyone else think that Ivana is pregnant? She's usually very tiny, but you can tell she has gained a little weight in her face and her boobs are bigger. oooh ouch. Tiana was fired. Anyway, I hope Ivana is because I bet you she will have a beautiful baby.
For realz....goodnight.
Dana- I miss our random talks during the day!
ALLLLRIGHTY THEN! Off to bed...when The Apprentice is over. 6 more minutes. I wonder who will get fired. Does anyone else think that Ivana is pregnant? She's usually very tiny, but you can tell she has gained a little weight in her face and her boobs are bigger. oooh ouch. Tiana was fired. Anyway, I hope Ivana is because I bet you she will have a beautiful baby.
For realz....goodnight.
First day of school
Aaron just started his two month long course so that he can be an instructor at the School of Infantry (SOI). Kids that just came out of boot camp go directly to SOI to learn combat skills, and Aaron aka "Cpl Edwards" will be one of their instructors.
Anyway, they day before he started his school, he had to try on his Alpha's, and I could not miss this rare rare opportunity. Aaron HATES getting his picture taken. He's like a little kid. He'll make funny faces so I have to take shots in between his faces. I usually mange to get some good shots of him, but these are a little blurry as he just can't stop moving! haha I still think these are great though.
Good Luck at school my wonderful husband!
I don't even care that these are a little blurry. These are framers.
Blog Barf
I have too many pictures to post. Half of them are of our tiny zoo. So here they are with explanations under each picture...
Oh btw, I must have barf on the brain because Miss Miley decided to upchuck the messiest vomit I have ever seen in my car. Ew. Luckily, Aaron had just pulled up and he cleaned up the messy part for me :) So sweet.
Oh btw, I must have barf on the brain because Miss Miley decided to upchuck the messiest vomit I have ever seen in my car. Ew. Luckily, Aaron had just pulled up and he cleaned up the messy part for me :) So sweet.
The never ending battle between Garfield and Odie.
But they cease fire when a finger snap goes off.
It was Aaron's 24th birthday on the 15th of september. (I know, I'm a horrible wife and I forgot to blog about it) So here he is eating the delicious pasta I made. Oh and he is finishing off my food in this picture. Happy WAY belated Birthday Aaron!
Today, I found Miley asleep on the floor like this. She's so funny. This was a rare shot because usually, as soon as she hears the camera focusing, she's awake and alert.
We went down to the point in the harbor during sunset today. It was really beautiful. But I was kind of mad because if we had gone one night before, we would have had those awesome rain clouds. Oh well! It's a little ironic being the person behind the camera sometimes. Most people go to see a sunset over the ocean to sit in awe of its beauty. I go to get a great shot out of it, and then enjoy them later when I upload them on my computer. Is that a catch 22?...I missed that day in school.
One of my favorite perspectives- the ground. I guess this is what a sunset looks like to a hermit crab.
I wanted to get a shot of Aaron and I because he and I haven't taken an actual picture together in a while. So I had to test the lighting first. And Aaron gave me these lovely faces to work with.
I got it in one shot which Aaron was really happy about. I tend to critique the pictures Aaron and I take right then and there, and I WILL take the picture until I get the one I want. So you can imagine his frustration. Pardon the fact that some of my face is cut off, but I liked this one and didn't want to push A's buttons. Oh and also, It's a little difficult to take a picture of yourselves when you have a canon 50D in hand. Kinda heavy. Adorable.
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