So that is what I have been up to as of late. On Aaron's front, he has been work work work for the last two weeks. He only comes home on the weekends because he has to make sure his students are in bed and sleeping. Then he has to be there in the morning to make sure they all wake up, get ready and are at the chow hall on time. So since we live an hour away from his work, he just stays there at night during the week. This is only his first cycle of students, though. Once he starts his second cycle, he'll be able to come home most nights. If you don't know or if you haven't guessed by now, Aaron is a school of infantry instructor. Once these new guys (or kids cause they are all 18/19) graduate boot camp, they go to SOI to learn combat skills, then once they are done with that, they are sent out to the fleet they will be with for the next 4 years. SO he is one of the instructors! It's a lot of hours that Aaron puts in, but he absolutely LOVES his new job. It makes me so happy when I talk to him on the phone at night and he tells me all these stories. It's like what you see in all the military movies. haha I love it!
Anyway, so that is what Aaron and I have been up to the last couple of weeks.
Hopefully, now since the office is organized, I can find time to actually sit down and upload these pictures.
Aright, I've got to put my adult cap on and pay some bills. haha Bye!