Monday, July 26, 2010

Home is where the heart is

Yeah, home is where the heart is....until you are able to buy your own home. Then, I'm pretty sure that is where your home is. haha
Aaron and I have decided that Temecula, ca, would be the best choice for us to own a home. We'll get the kind of house we've always wanted for the best price. After we met with our new realtor on saturday, Aaron and I drove down to Temec to check out the area, and to see how long of a drive it would be for Aaron to get to work. We really liked the area and after reading up on the area on the cities website, Aaron and I are SO excited to be moving there. It's a really family friendly area with lots of things for kids and adults to do.....and, they have a really nice mall :) OH AND, one of my and Aaron's favorite restaurants is there too- Lucille's BBQ! YES!
Anyway, we have about 3 months left to find a house, put in an offer, and get a house before our lease is up on our apartment! It's tight, but we have a GREAT realtor who will get it done for us. She's confident that that is plenty of time, which, in turn, makes us confident buyers.

This is one of the homes we will be looking at this weekend. 

We can't wait until we own our own house!!!!


Friday, July 16, 2010

In the spotlight

Since we adopted the monster, (aka dog, Miley, Miley Cyrus dog, "night night"-from our neighbors daughter. so cute!) , we haven't really taken too many pictures of the other pet we own. TigerTiger and Miley play a lot. And by play, I mean they chase eachother around the apartment until Tiger hisses and Miley gets scared. It's hilarious to watch actually. But then they have their moments when they can be really civil to each other. Just this morning, I had both of them in bed with me and they slept together. Well, they were about a foot apart, but hey! It's progress! 

Anyway, Tiger is still the king. He is allowed to drink out of Miley's bowl, but if Miley goes anywhere near Tigers bowl, she gets a paw to the face. He lounges around like he owns the place still, and he is always very aware who is here. For instance, when someone new comes over, he doesn't even need to hear them talk, he just knows, and then he promptly hides. But then, when HE feels comfortable, he will come out and socialize. He does everything on his own terms. He will not allow you to pick him up. You have to sit or lay down and he will come sit on you when he is ready. It's funny because he is a very cuddly cat, but it's always his decision if he wants to be cuddly at the moment. So here's to you buddy! 

In other news, Aaron and I had a lovely evening the other night at Victoria Beach in Laguna. We ordered Ruby's to-go and took it down to the beach and ate while watching the sunset. We're trying this new thing where we are making a big effort to really appreciate where we live. 

Same old same old...

SO, in short....Aaron is leaving his unit (1/5) in October to become a combat instructor at the School of Infantry. Guys who just got out of boot camp go straight there to learn the technical side of things, if you will. And Aaron will be one of their instructors. Anyway, his current unit (1/5), is leaving for afghanistan early 2011. AARON IS NOT GOING. And in August, they are going up to a place where they can train in the kind of weather they will be in when they go to afghanistan. Since Aaron is not deploying with them, one would assume that there is no reason to waste taxpayers money to send him up there for the month. BUT since the marine corps is backwards in everything they do, they are sending him. And he will miss our wedding anniversary...again. 

Well it does come with the territory. So I understand. I just needed to vent! 

Ok I'm done. 

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Team Jacob

Yeah, you would too. Ok so I just got back from watching Eclipse. This is coming from someone who read the first two books before they were famous and someone who HATED the first movie, and never saw the second movie. But, I LOVED Eclipse....and I've got to say: TEAM JACOB allllll the way. The acting was worlds better. There were still some laughable scenes, but overall, great movie. And then directly after, Amanda and I went to Barnes & Noble and I purchased the last two books....because I am a bad Twilight fan that didn't get around to reading the last two. Well anyway, for all you twifans- GO SEE IT! Alright, I'm off to read...

Saturday, July 3, 2010

One Saturday Morning...

Do kids still wake up at the butt crack of dawn to race downstairs and watch cartoons? I hope so. Now, it seems like all kids want to do is play video games. Sad. I don't think I will let my kids play video games until they are older. We will just tell them that the Xbox we have is a DVD player haha.
And does anyone feel like REAL drawn cartoons are becoming extinct? In the world of Pixar and CGI, I see less and less of the cartoons we grew up on. Even Whinnie the Pooh and Mickey and Friends on the Disney channel are CGI rather than drawn.

Here's a good ol' Mickey and Pluto cartoon....when WALT DISNEY actually voiced Mickey. Those were the days. I hope that the parents today are still connected to the child in them enough to introduce their kids to such wonderful things as the video. I know I will. Enjoy :)