Sunday, June 27, 2010

Kind of totally obsessed...

How awesome are these CAMERA totes?!
I want one soooo bad. The purple bag comes from Jo Totes and the fabulous red bag comes from epiphan!e . Both awesome and practical. But which one? 

My dearest husband,
you know that I am in need of a camera bag. And these can hold all of my "purse-y" things in them as well. Look at that picture! She has an apple and a book in there! Very practical, indeed. I know they are a tad pricey, but I promise I will use it!
your sweet wife 

Saturday, June 26, 2010

4 Months

I'm a little behind. These were taken at Victoria Beach in Laguna when she actually was 4 months old. Now, she is almost 5 months. She's a lot harrier in the face. You can't really see them in this picture, but she is growing these weird doggy side burns that hang off of the bottom of her mouth. Really weird. I want to go and get her groomed, but I suppose we'll wait. It's like getting your babies hair cut for the first time. Might as well wait until her first birthday. Anyways, she's fully potty trained now. THANK GOD. She loves to play. She thinks she's a cat because she has her big kitty as an example. So she sits on the top cushions of the couch behind our heads like Tiger does. So funny, but totally cute. They even play together now. Miley tries to be the Alpha, but Tiger is definitely the leader of that pack. Who am I kidding? He's the Alpha of the whole apartment. I'm pretty sure he pays our rent. The other day I walked in on him levitating. He was reading Mobey Dick in French.
Hahahaha totally kidding. It's a running family joke that Tiger runs the place and he's super genius smart. Miley is kind of a tard in comparison. But we love her.

Change... not is the cards. Apparently. Just a day after I posted up the last post, we got news that we are staying in california for Aaron's new job. I can't say that I wasn't a little disappointed because I was really excited tostart new in a totally different place. But the more I think about it, the better/easier it will be to live here for the next 3-4 years.
Well it's good news. Now we can focus on buying a house here. And we know things now rather than waiting around for things to happen or not happen. It is a odd feeling, being sure of things, because it is so unlike the marine corps.
Anyway, here's to the golden coast! May our (hopefully) soon to be expanding family be enjoying your beautiful ocean sunsets for the next 4(ish) years.

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Hurry up and wait...

Story of my life, thanks to the marine corps. Our latest waiting game involves us possibly moving to North Carolina for three years. We are waiting to hear back from Marine Headquarters if they need Aaron there for his upcoming and new job as a School of Infantry combat instructor. But we are told that
there is a 90% chance that it will happen. So I'm counting on it. I can honestly say, though, that I am excited. I have lived in the "OC" my whole life, and sometimes it feels like I have a lot of pressure pushing me down. I think it will be nice t
o start all over in NC. I look at it optimistically. It's an adventure! We may even buy a house out there and then sell it when we are ready to come back to socal.
Of course, I would be leaving my family and friends for a while, and that will be hard. Plus, Aaron and I want to start a family, and I know that if/when it happens, I'll want my mom. She'll have to save up her flyer miles!
North Carolina can't be too bad right? I mean really. Look at the scenery. We will be just as far away from the beach as we are now. Stoked for that! With my handy dandy canon 50D, you can expect that I will take a million and one pictures of the place.