First, Aaron and I FINALLY watched Avatar. And we LOVED it! The special effects were amazing, and the story line was really good. A tiny bit close to the cartoon movie "Ferngully", but still awesome. I'm totally hooked and I can't wait for Avatar 2 to come out in 2014. Ew, I'll be turning 27 that year (no offense to anyone who is older than that. It's just weird to think about stuff like that for me); haha Anyways, if you haven't seen it, you are MAJORLY missing out.
Secondly, we ate out at Buffalo Wild Wings at the kaleidoscope in

I won't go into to details about the service, but let's just say that it was so bad, we ended up giving her a less then 20% tip. I used to be a server and I know how it works. And I know that it does not take 10 mins to bring out extra plates etc.... I've never been to the location off of Lake Forest, which is the one that
Aaron loves, but after yesterday, I am not sure I want to go.

Lastly, Aaron, me and my brothers went to the movies last night. We really REALLY wanted to see Shrek 4 (or at least I did). I had big expectations because I loved the other 3 so much. They never fail to make me laugh. When I am having a bad day, Shrek the Third always makes me feel better. wow, I really should own them.
Anyways, Shrek 4: the plot took forever to take off. And really, the movie never actually did take off. It wasn't funny at all until all three favorites were together again (Shrek, Donkey, and Puss). That was only a small portion of the movie. Most of the movie was just depressing and not too
many "HAHAHA", more "heh heh heh". And although Puss was adorable as a fat, pampered kitty with a pink bow tied around his neck, I really REALLY wanted him to be PUSS IN BOOTS again. The zoro like, womanizer cat that he really is.
I could go on and on...
General consensus on Shrek 4- FAIL. Wait until it comes out on DVD to see it.
So overall, the weekend has been good (avatar) and bad (you know the rest). Lets see how the swap meet is...